How to Store a Mattress in a Garage

Have you ever found yourself in a pickle, wondering where to stash that extra mattress? Your garage might be the answer you’re looking for! But hold your horses – storing a mattress in a garage isn’t as simple as tossing it in and calling it a day. Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of how to store a mattress in a garage that is safe and sound in your car’s home.

How to Store a Mattress in a Garage

Key Takeaways:

  • Clean and dry the mattress thoroughly before storage
  • Use a breathable cover and elevate off the floor
  • Choose a cool, dry spot away from windows and doors
  • Check periodically and air out every 6 months
  • Consider climate-controlled storage for long-term or harsh conditions

4 Risk-free Steps for How to Store a Mattress in a Garage

Here are the four steps for how to store a mattress in a garage:

1. Pre-Storage Preparation: Setting the Foundation for Success

First things first, let’s get that mattress spick and span. Grab your vacuum and go to town on both sides. Don’t forget those nooks and crannies! Do you have a stubborn stain? Mix up some mild detergent with warm water and dab it out gently.

Now, here’s a nifty trick – sprinkle baking soda all over your mattress and let it sit for a few hours. This little magic powder will soak up odors like nobody’s business. Vacuum it up, and voila! Your mattress will smell fresher than a daisy.

But wait, there’s more! Make sure your mattress is bone-dry before storage. A damp mattress is a breeding ground for mold and mildew – and trust me, you don’t want to sleep on that!

2. Choosing the Ideal Garage Space: Location, Location, Location

Now, let’s talk about finding the perfect spot in your garage. You want to avoid areas near windows, doors, or anywhere water might sneak in. Think high and dry – that’s the sweet spot.

If you can, elevate your mattress off the floor. This keeps it away from any potential floods or pesky critters looking for a new home. No fancy equipment is needed – a few wooden pallets or a sturdy table will do the trick.

3. Wrapping and Protecting Your Mattress: The Armor Against Elements

Time to wrap it up! A breathable plastic mattress bag is your best bet. Can’t find one? No worries! You can use light, breathable fabric like an old sheet, then cover it with a layer of plastic wrap.

Seal all the openings with duct tape – we’re talking Fort Knox levels of security here. For extra protection, throw in a few silica gel packets. These little guys are champs at soaking up excess moisture.

Seal All the Openings With Duct Tape

4. Positioning and Storing the Mattress: The Art of Placement

Here’s the million-dollar question: should you store your mattress flat or on its side? If you’ve got the space, a flat is fantastic. It helps maintain the mattress’s shape and structure.

But let’s face it, garages can be tight on space. If you must store it on its side, make sure it’s perfectly upright. Leaning can lead to sagging, and nobody wants a mattress that looks like it’s been doing yoga.

Maintenance and Long-Term Care: Ensuring Lasting Quality

Don’t just store it and forget it! Set a reminder to check on your mattress every few months. Look for any signs of moisture, pests, or damage to the protective covering.

If possible, air out your mattress for a few hours every six months. Think of it as a spa day for your mattress – a chance to breathe and refresh.

Special Considerations for Different Mattress Types

Not all mattresses are created equal. Memory foam mattresses are sensitive to temperature changes, so keep an eye on those garage thermostats. Innerspring mattresses can handle being on their side a bit better but still prefer to be flat.

Latex mattresses? They’re heavy hitters and need to stay flat at all times. And for those fancy hybrid mattresses, treat them like memory foam – keep them flat and cool.

When Garage Storage Isn’t Ideal: Exploring Alternatives

Sometimes, your garage just isn’t up to snuff for mattress storage. If you’re dealing with extreme temperatures or high humidity, it might be time to consider a climate-controlled storage unit. It’s like a five-star hotel for your mattress!

Preparing Your Mattress for Use After Storage

When it’s time to bring your mattress out of retirement, give it some TLC. Unwrap it carefully and let it air out for a day or two. Give it a good vacuum and spot clean if needed. Your mattress will be ready to give you sweet dreams in no time!

Unwrap it Carefully

FAQs About How to Store a Mattress in a Garage

Is It Okay to Store a Mattress in a Garage?

Storing a mattress in a garage isn’t ideal due to moisture, temperature fluctuations, and pest risks. If necessary, wrap it in plastic, keep it elevated, and ensure the garage is as clean and dry as possible.

How Do You Store a Mattress When Not in Use?

To store a mattress, clean it thoroughly, encase it in a breathable cover, and store it flat in a cool, dry place. If space is limited, store it on its side, rotate it periodically, and avoid placing items on top to maintain its shape and condition.

How Do You Keep a Mattress From Molding in Storage?

To prevent mold on a mattress in storage, clean and dry it thoroughly, use a breathable cover, store in a low-humidity environment, and elevate it off the floor for air circulation. Avoid plastic wrapping and periodically air out the mattress if storing long-term.

Is It Safe to Store a Mattress in a Storage Unit?

Storing a mattress in a storage unit is safe if you clean it, use a breathable cover, store it flat in a climate-controlled environment, and elevate it off the floor. Regular checks are advisable to ensure it remains in good condition.


In a nutshell, storing a mattress in your garage can be a great space-saving solution if done right. With a little effort and know-how, you can keep your mattress in tip-top shape, ready for many more nights of blissful sleep. So go ahead, clear out that garage space, and give your mattress the five-star treatment it deserves!

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