How to Store Fishing Rods in Garage

As an avid fisherman, you know the importance of having high-quality fishing gear. But you may need to learn that proper storage is just as important as good equipment. Your fishing rods are an investment, and it’s essential to take care of them to ensure they last for many seasons. Storing your fishing rods in a garage is a great option, as it keeps them out of the elements and provides easy access for your next fishing trip.

How to Store Fishing Rods in Garage

In this guide, we will explore the different ways for how to store fishing rods in garage, including hooks, nails, or a rack specifically designed for fishing rods, as well as alternative storage solutions such as using PVC and storing rods on the ceiling. We will also cover the importance of cleaning your fishing gear before storage and choosing the right location for storage. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and tools you need to store your fishing rods in your garage properly.

4 Easy Steps for How to Store Fishing Rods in Garage

Step 1: Preparing for Storage

Preparing for storage is essential in ensuring that your fishing rods are properly protected. Before storing your fishing rods, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. Your supplies will depend on your chosen storage method, but some common supplies include hooks, nails, a rack specifically designed for storing fishing rods, and storage bins.

The first step in preparing for storage is cleaning your fishing gear thoroughly. This includes cleaning not only your fishing rods but also your reels, lures, and other gear. A simple solution of mild soap and water will do the trick. Be sure to dry all of your gear thoroughly before storing it. This will help prevent rust, mildew, and other damage caused by moisture.

It’s also essential to ensure that your fishing rods are dry before storing them. If your fishing rods are wet, you can dry them off by laying them out in a dry area or using a towel to dry them off gently. If you have fished in saltwater, it’s particularly important to rinse your rods with fresh water before storing them.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to ensure that your fishing gear is clean and dry before storing it. This will help protect your gear from damage and extend its lifespan.

Using a Towel to Dry

Step 2: Hanging the Rods

Hanging the rods is one of the most popular ways to store fishing rods in a garage. This method allows you to keep your fishing rods off the ground, which can help protect them from damage. There are several ways to hang your fishing rods, including hooks, nails, or a rack specifically designed for storing fishing rods.

One option for hanging your fishing rods is to use hooks. You can use gravity or vertical bike hooks to secure your fishing rods to your garage wall. This method is easy to set up and requires no special tools. Simply screw the hooks into the wall and hang your fishing rods from them.

Another option is to use nails. You can use nails to create a simple DIY rack for your fishing rods. Simply drive nails into the wall, leaving enough space between them to hang your fishing rods. This method is also easy to set up and is a budget-friendly option.

You can also consider using rack/rod holders to store fishing rods. These racks come in various sizes and styles and are designed to hold your fishing rods securely. They are generally more expensive than hooks or nails but offer a more professional look and can be adjusted to your needs.

Storing your fishing rods vertically is also a great option; it can help keep them straight and prevent them from bending or warping. You can use storage bins as a base and store your poles vertically against the wall, or use a rack to hold the rods vertically.

By hanging your fishing rods, you’ll be able to keep them off the ground and protect them from damage. This method is easy to set up, budget-friendly, and looks neat and tidy.

Use a Rack to Hold the Rods

Step 3: Location Considerations

When storing your fishing rods in a garage, choosing the right location is essential. The location you choose can have a significant impact on the condition of your fishing rods over time. Here are a few things to consider when choosing a location for storing your fishing rods in a garage:

  • Opposite the garage doors: It’s best to store your fishing rods opposite the garage doors, as this will help avoid extra sunlight reaching them. Sunlight can cause your fishing rods to fade or warp over time.
  • Away from humidity and falling objects: It’s important to store your fishing rods away from humidity, sunlight, and falling objects. This can include storing them inside a garage cabinet. This will help protect them from damage caused by moisture and falling objects.
  • Avoid areas with extreme temperatures: If you have a cooler or freezer in your garage, avoid placing your rack beside it. Freezing temperatures can cause the fishing rods to break over time. Additionally, it’s best to avoid storing your fishing rods in areas of your garage that are not insulated and might be exposed to extreme temperatures.

By considering these location considerations, you’ll be able to ensure that your fishing rods are stored in a place that will protect them from damage and extend their lifespan.

Step 4: Alternative Storage Solutions

While hanging your fishing rods is a popular and effective storage method, there are also several alternative storage solutions that you can consider. These include using PVC to make a fishing rod storage system and storing your rods on the ceiling.

  • PVC storage system: PVC is a great material to make a fishing rod storage system from. It’s light, strong, and cheap. You can use PVC pipes and fittings to create a custom storage system that fits your needs. This is a great option if you’re handy with DIY projects.
  • Ceiling rod storage: Another alternative storage solution is to store your rods on the ceiling. This is an often underutilised storage idea, but it can be very effective. By storing your rods on the ceiling, you can view them clearly and access them easily. This method also keeps them out of the way and prevents them from getting damaged by falling objects.
  • Buying a pre-made fishing rod rack: You can also consider buying a pre-made fishing rod rack. These racks come in different sizes and styles and are designed to hold your fishing rods securely. They are easy to set up and can be adjusted to your specific needs. This can be a convenient solution if you’re uncomfortable with DIY projects.

By considering these alternative storage solutions, you’ll be able to find the best storage method for your fishing rods. Whether you prefer a more DIY approach or a ready-made solution, plenty of options are available to suit your needs and preferences.

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Pre-made Fishing Rod Rack

What Are the Benefits of Storing Fishing Rods in Garage?

Storing fishing rods in the garage offers a variety of benefits to ensure that they are well-protected, organised, and easily accessible. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Protection from the elements: Keeping fishing rods out of the sun and away from moisture can help preserve the rod’s life and prevent damage.
  • Organisation: Garage storage allows for easy organisation of fishing tackle and keeps it within easy reach.
  • Convenience: Having fishing rods stored in the garage allows easy access to them when needed without having to search through other storage areas.
  • Preservation of Handles: Garage storage keeps fishing poles dry and protected from moisture which can cause the handles of the poles to mould and rot.
  • Storage Rack: Investing in a storage rack specifically designed for fishing rods can be a great idea, especially if you have a lot of fishing gear.

Overall, storing fishing rods in the garage can help to ensure that they are well-protected, organised, and easily accessible for use. It also helps preserve the rod’s life by protecting them from sunlight and moisture.

How to Keep Fishing Rods in Good Condition While in Storage?

Proper storage is essential to ensure that your fishing rods will be in good condition and last many years. Here are a few key things to consider when storing your fishing rods:

  • Protect your fishing rods from damaging conditions such as sunlight, moisture, and extreme temperatures.
  • Keep your fishing rods away from dampness or humidity by storing them off the ground, and consider investing in a dehumidifier or keeping silica gel pouches in the rod sleeves.
  • Keep your fishing rods away from heat, as they can be weakened by it, particularly the glued parts of the rod.
  • Use a fishing rod storage PVC pipe as a quick and easy solution. To make your own, cut a PVC pipe to the size of your rod and drill two holes in the side of the PVC pipe.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your fishing rods will be in good condition and last many years. It is important to remember that regularly inspecting your rods for signs of wear and tear can help you identify and address potential issues before they lead to damage.

Use a Fishing Rod Storage

FAQs About Storing Fishing Rods in Garage

Do Fishing Rods Break in Over Time?

Yes, fishing rods can break over time due to small fractures that happen over time, heavy pressure, improper usage, transport, storage, or even due to manufacturer defects. Proper usage, transport, and storage can help prolong the lifespan of your fishing rods. Additionally, regularly inspecting your rods for signs of wear and tear can help you identify and address potential issues before they lead to breakage.

Can Fishing Rods Be Stored Bent?

It is not recommended to store fishing rods bent as it can cause permanent damage and create weak spots in the rod’s fibres, compromising the fishing rod’s integrity over time. It is best to store fishing rods in a vertical position or rods horizontally, if done properly, to avoid any stress or damage to the rod.


Proper storage is essential for protecting your fishing rods and extending their lifespan. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to store your fishing rods in your garage in a way that keeps them safe and easily accessible.

When preparing for storage, it’s essential to clean your fishing gear thoroughly and make sure it’s dry before storing it. Hanging your fishing rods is a popular and effective storage method, but you can also consider alternative storage solutions, like using PVC or storing them on the ceiling.

Choosing the right location for storing your fishing rods in your garage. Opposite the garage doors, away from humidity, sunlight, and falling objects, and avoiding areas with extreme temperatures are some of the things to consider.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to ensure that your fishing rods are properly protected and ready for your next fishing trip. Proper storage is key to keeping your fishing gear in great condition for years to come.

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