Have you ever encountered a hummingbird trapped in your garage? If you have, you know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be to watch these tiny creatures struggle to find their way out. Hummingbirds are fascinating birds that can bring joy and beauty to your backyard, but they can also accidentally fly into your garage and get stuck there. In this article, I will explain why this happens and how to get a hummingbird out of a garage.

Key Takeaways:
- Prepare the garage environment to make the exit visible and attractive
- Use gentle methods like luring with feeders or guiding with long objects
- Seek professional help if the hummingbird is injured or rescue attempts fail
- Prevent future incidents by making the garage less inviting to hummingbirds
Why Hummingbirds Get Trapped in Garages?
Hummingbirds are attracted to bright colors, especially red because they associate them with nectar sources. They have excellent eyesight and can spot a red object from a distance. Unfortunately, this can also lead them to mistake some objects in your garage for food sources, such as the red emergency release handle of your garage door opener, or a red tool or toy.
Once they enter your garage, they get confused and disoriented by the walls, windows, and ceiling. They instinctively fly upward, looking for an exit, but they can’t see the open door below them. They end up exhausting themselves and may injure themselves by flying into glass windows or other obstacles. They may also become dehydrated or starve if they don’t find food or water soon.
How to Recognize a Trapped Hummingbird
If you hear a buzzing sound or see a flash of color in your garage, you may have a trapped hummingbird. Hummingbirds flap their wings very fast, up to 80 times per second, which creates a humming sound. They also have iridescent feathers that reflect light and create a rainbow effect. You may see them flying around the ceiling or near the windows, trying to find a way out. You may also see them perching on a wire or a ledge, resting or panting. If they are very tired or injured, they may drop to the ground or hang upside down from a wire or a hook.

How to Approach a Trapped Hummingbird
If you find a trapped hummingbird in your garage, don’t panic or rush to catch it. Hummingbirds are very sensitive and delicate, and they can easily get stressed or hurt by human contact. They may also perceive you as a predator and try to escape from you. Instead, follow these general steps to create the right environment for the hummingbird to fly out on its own:
- Clear the area of any cars, kids, pets, or other distractions that may scare or harm the hummingbird.
- Turn off any fans, lights, or noises that may confuse or disturb the hummingbird.
- Close any windows and other doors in your garage, except for the main garage door. This will prevent the hummingbird from flying into other rooms or hitting glass windows.
- Remove any red objects from your garage that may attract the hummingbird and keep it from finding the exit.
- Make your garage as dark as possible by closing curtains, blinds, or shades. This will make the open door more visible and appealing to the hummingbird.
- Place a hummingbird feeder or a red object near the open door to lure the hummingbird out. You can also provide some sugar water in a shallow dish or a spray bottle for the hummingbird to drink from.

4 Effective Methods for How to Get a Hummingbird Out of a Garage
Once you have prepared the environment for the hummingbird, you can try one of these methods to guide it out of your garage:
Method 1: Use a Long, Thin Object
You can use a long, thin object such as a broom, a rake, a pool net, or a fishing rod to gently guide the hummingbird towards the open door. Hold the object horizontally and slowly move it towards the hummingbird until it lands on it. Then lower the object and move it towards the exit, allowing the hummingbird to rest if needed. With patience and gentle movements, the hummingbird will likely take off and fly out of your garage.
Method 2: Lure the Hummingbird Outside with a Bird Feeder or a Red Object
You can also use a bird feeder or a red object such as a flower, a ball, or a cloth to lure the hummingbird outside. Place the object near the open door and wait for the hummingbird to notice it. The hummingbird may fly towards it and then realize that there is an exit nearby. You can also move the object slowly outside to encourage the hummingbird to follow it.
Method 3: Wait Until Nighttime
Another option is to wait until nighttime and let the hummingbird fly out on its own. Hummingbirds are less active in the dark and more likely to roost in a sheltered spot. They may also be able to see better at night than during daylight hours. If you leave your garage door open at night and turn off any lights, the hummingbird may sense the cooler air outside and fly out of your garage.
Method 4: Pick Up the Exhausted or Injured Hummingbird
If none of the above methods work, or if the hummingbird is too exhausted or injured to fly, you may have to pick it up and take it outside. This should be your last resort, as handling a hummingbird can be very stressful and risky for both you and the bird. If you decide to do this, follow these precautions:

- Wear gloves to protect yourself from the hummingbird’s sharp beak and claws, and to prevent any diseases or parasites from transferring between you and the bird.
- Use a soft cloth or a paper towel to gently wrap around the hummingbird’s body, leaving its head exposed. This will prevent it from flapping its wings and hurting itself or you.
- Hold the hummingbird gently but firmly in your hand, without squeezing or crushing it. Keep it close to your body to keep it warm and calm.
- Take the hummingbird outside and release it near a feeder or a flower. You can also offer it some sugar water in a spoon or a spray bottle before letting it go.
- Observe the hummingbird from a distance as it feeds and regains its strength. It may take some time for it to recover and fly away.
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How to Prevent Future Incidents
To prevent hummingbirds from entering your garage in the future, you can take some measures to make your garage less inviting to them, such as:
- Painting red handles a different color or hiding them with tape or cloth. This will reduce the chances of hummingbirds mistaking them for food sources.
- Securing potential nesting spots such as shelves, boxes, or wires. This will discourage hummingbirds from entering your garage and looking for a safe place to build their nests.
- Ensuring proper disposal of deceased hummingbirds. If you find a dead hummingbird in your garage, use a shovel or gloves to dispose of it properly. Some states require reporting dead hummingbirds for disease tracking, so check your local regulations before doing so.
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Seeking Professional Help
If you are unable to rescue a trapped hummingbird on your own, or if the hummingbird is severely injured or sick, you should seek professional help from wildlife experts or rehabilitators. They have the skills and equipment to handle and treat hummingbirds safely and effectively. You can find local resources for assistance and support by searching online or contacting your state wildlife agency.

FAQs About How to Get a Hummingbird Out of a Garage
Can You Touch a Hummingbird?
Yes, it is safe to touch a hummingbird in distress and offer assistance. However, capturing a hummingbird without a permit is illegal. Seek professional help for injured or abandoned birds and respect wildlife protection laws.
Why Do Hummingbirds Fly So Close to You?
Hummingbirds fly close to humans due to curiosity, being attracted to red colors, and recognizing regular food providers. They are not harmful but may show aggression towards other hummingbirds. To keep them at a distance, wear neutral colors and gently wave your arms. These interactions signify trust and curiosity, delighting hummingbird enthusiasts.
When a Hummingbird Gets Close to You?
When a hummingbird gets close to you, it’s likely out of curiosity or recognizing you as a food source. They may show territorial behavior but won’t harm humans. To hand-feed them, be patient, and gain their trust gradually. Provide a hummingbird-friendly environment with red flowers and sugar water to attract them. Enjoy these fascinating encounters with these tiny birds.
Rescuing a hummingbird from your garage can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Hummingbirds are amazing birds that deserve our respect and care. By following these tips and methods, you will successfully how to get a hummingbird out of a garage. You can also prevent future incidents by making your garage less attractive to them. By doing this, you can promote coexistence with nature and preserve these delicate creatures.
I hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about hummingbirds. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!