How to Restore Faded Garage Door

Your garage door is an essential part of your home’s appearance. However, exposure to the elements can cause it to fade and look old. Luckily, you can restore your faded garage door to look new. In this guide, we’ll show you how to restore faded garage door using various methods and products. Whether your garage door is made of wood or metal, our step-by-step guide will help you achieve great results.

How to Restore Faded Garage Door

By following our easy-to-understand instructions, you’ll be able to revive the appearance of your faded garage door and boost your home’s curb appeal in no time.

Why Garage Doors Fade?

Garage doors fade over time, and there could be various reasons. Some of the most common reasons include:

  • Sun exposure.
  • Extreme temperature changes.
  • Wear and tear.

4 Simple Steps for How to Restore Faded Garage Door

Step 1: Preparing for Restoration

Before diving into the restoration process, properly preparing your faded garage door is crucial. Adequate preparation ensures that your restoration methods will be effective and yield long-lasting results. Here are the key steps to follow:

Cleaning the Garage Door

Mix water with a gentle detergent or dish soap containing a degreaser. Use a cleaning brush with plastic bristles to scrub the surface, loosening debris and oil. Pay special attention to hard-to-reach areas, corners, and edges. Rinse the door thoroughly with clean water to remove any residue.

Testing the Surface

Select a small area on the garage door and clean it with mild soap and water. Assess if the cleaning process restores the color or reveals significant damage. This test helps determine if the door is suitable for restoration or if additional steps are needed.

Select a Small Area on the Garage Door

Assessing the Damage

Examine the extent of fading and oxidation on the garage door. Take note of any peeling paint, cracks, or serious surface damage. This evaluation will guide you in choosing the most appropriate restoration method.

By meticulously cleaning your garage door and assessing its condition, you create a clean and suitable canvas for restoration. These preparatory steps ensure optimal results and help you avoid potential issues during restoration. With a well-prepared surface, you’re now ready to move forward and restore the color and finish of your faded garage door.

Step 2: Restoring the Color and Finish

Once you have prepared the surface of your faded garage door, it’s time to focus on restoring its color and finish. Several methods are available, depending on your door’s material and the level of restoration required. Here are two commonly used options:

Option 1: Paint Restoration

Choose the Right Paint

Select a high-quality exterior paint suitable for your garage door’s material (wood, metal, etc.). Opt for a paint specifically designed for outdoor use, as it offers better durability and weather resistance.

Surface Preparation

Ensure that the cleaned garage door surface is completely dry before painting. Use a primer suitable for your door’s material, applying it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The primer will help the paint adhere better and provide a more even finish.

Primer Will Help the Paint Adhere Better
Painting Process

Start at the top of the door and work your way down, using even strokes. Apply the paint to the main panels of the door, ensuring full coverage. Don’t forget to paint the edges and trim for a seamless and polished look. Allow the paint to dry completely between coats, applying additional coats for desired color saturation.

Option 2: Penetrating Oil Restoration

Choose a Suitable Product

Products like Polytrol or Everbrite Clearcoat are popular choices for penetrating oil restoration.

Ensure the selected product is compatible with your garage door material.

Application Process

Before applying the penetrating oil, make sure the garage door is completely dry. Follow the instructions provided by the product manufacturer for application. Typically, the oil is applied using a brush or a cloth, allowing it to penetrate the surface and re-wet the pigments. Ensure an even application and cover the entire door for consistent results.

Both paint restoration and penetrating oil restoration methods can effectively revive the color and finish of a faded garage door. The choice between the two depends on the door’s material and the desired outcome. Whichever method you choose, following the recommended steps and using quality products will help you achieve a beautifully restored garage door.

Remember to refer to the specific instructions the chosen product manufacturer provided for the best results. With your chosen restoration method complete, you can now enjoy the transformation of your faded garage door, bringing it back to life and enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of your home.

Faded Garage Door

Step 3: DIY Restoration Techniques

Restoring a faded garage door doesn’t always require professional assistance. You can successfully tackle the restoration process with the right tools and products. Here are some popular DIY techniques that you can employ to revive the appearance of your garage door:

V2 Shine by CityRestore

V2 Shine is a residential coating product designed to restore paint, simulated wood, acrylics, plastics, and rubber surfaces. Follow the instructions provided by CityRestore for the application process, which may involve cleaning the surface and applying the V2 Shine coating. This DIY solution can effectively restore the color and finish of your garage door, leaving it looking rejuvenated.

Everbrite Coating

Everbrite offers a range of coatings that can be used for garage door restoration. Their products, such as Everbrite Clearcoat, are designed to protect and restore metal surfaces. The application usually involves cleaning the door, applying the coating per the instructions, and allowing it to cure. Everbrite coatings are known for their ease of application and ability to restore faded and oxidized surfaces.

Chalky Door Restoration

A DIY solution is available if your garage door appears chalky or oxidized. Clean the door using a mild soap and water solution, using a sponge or scrub pad to remove dirt and debris. Apply a product like Everbrite Protective Coating to restore the color and protect the door from fading, chalking, and oxidation. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application and curing.

Utilizing these DIY restoration techniques can save money while achieving impressive results. Each technique has specific instructions and product recommendations, so following the guidelines is essential. DIY solutions empower you to take control of the restoration process, allowing you to enjoy a renewed garage door that adds beauty and value to your home.

Enjoy a Renewed Garage Door

Remember to consider the material and condition of your garage door before choosing a DIY restoration technique. With patience and attention to detail, you can transform your faded garage door into a source of pride and admiration.

Step 4: Additional Tips and Considerations

In addition to the main steps in restoring a faded garage door, there are some important tips and considerations to remember. These will help ensure the longevity of your restoration efforts and prevent future fading or damage. Here are some key points to consider:

Protective Coatings

After restoring your garage door, consider applying a protective coating or sealant to prolong the newly restored finish. Clear sealants or coatings can provide extra protection against UV rays, moisture, and other environmental factors. Choose a product specifically designed for the material of your garage door and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Regular Maintenance

Implement a regular maintenance routine for your garage door to keep it looking fresh and prevent future fading. Clean the door periodically using mild soap and water, removing any dirt or debris that may accumulate over time. Inspect the door for any signs of damage or wear, addressing any issues promptly to prevent further deterioration.

Preventive Measures

Minimize prolonged exposure to direct sunlight by providing shade or using awnings if possible. Consider using a protective cover for your garage door during extreme weather conditions, such as storms or harsh winters. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or tools that may cause scratches or damage to the door’s surface.

Professional Assistance

If your garage door has extensive damage or requires complex restoration, seek professional assistance. Professionals have the expertise and specialized tools to handle challenging restoration projects effectively. They can guide you on the most suitable restoration methods for your garage door and ensure optimal results.

Specialized Tools to Handle Challenging Restoration

By following these additional tips and considerations, you can maintain the restored appearance of your garage door for years to come. Regular maintenance and preventive measures will help preserve the beauty and protect your investment. If in doubt or facing significant challenges, don’t hesitate to reach out to professionals who can provide expert guidance and support.

FAQs About How to Restore Faded Garage Door

Why is My Garage Door Fading?

Garage doors can fade due to exposure to the outside elements, particularly direct sunlight, which causes the color to fade, the top coat to degrade and thin over time, and the garage door materials to expand and contract.
This wear and tear from daily exposure to sunlight is the main culprit behind garage door fading. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the door can help prevent fading, and high-quality finishes can also help protect the door from fading.

How Do You Restore a Faded Wood Garage Door?

Restoring a faded wood garage door typically involves: Sanding the door to remove any existing finish, Cleaning the door to remove any dirt or debris, Applying a wood conditioner, Applying a wood stain or paint & Finishing with a protective coating.
If the garage door is painted, a touch-up paint can cover small dings and dents before applying a coat of Turtle Wax to provide a protective coating and a sheen. In cases of significant peeling, sanding the door and repainting it using high-quality, exterior-grade latex paint may be necessary. It is also important to use high-quality materials and to follow proper techniques to ensure a long-lasting and effective restoration.


Restoring a faded garage door is a simple and rewarding DIY project that can enhance your home’s appearance. By following the step-by-step process and using the right techniques and products, you can bring back the color and finish of your garage door. Start by cleaning the door thoroughly and assessing the damage. Then, choose the appropriate restoration method: either paint restoration or penetrating oil restoration. Both options can effectively revive the door’s appearance. If you prefer a DIY approach, consider using V2 Shine or Everbrite coatings designed for garage door restoration. These user-friendly solutions can yield impressive results.

Remember to apply protective coatings and maintain regular upkeep to prolong the restored finish. Seeking professional help may be necessary for complex projects. By taking these steps, you can transform your faded garage door into a beautiful asset that adds value to your home. Enjoy the satisfaction of a job well done and admire your restored garage door’s renewed charm to your property.

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